contact me: 


I am currently open to freelance writing work with expected completion dates in Winter 2025.

I am currently open to archival work beginning in November 2024.

For any other work - juries, editing, panels, moderation, or research - please contact me.

© jasmine amussen


How much do you charge for ABC? 

I am a proud member of W.A.G.E. and use their fee structure. If the project involves air travel, I use COMMONS to calculate the cost of a carbon offset which I add to the total cost of my fee. For example, a flight from Atlanta to New York adds about 13$. 

What writing software do you use?

Everything begins its life long hand. All of my own editing occurs in the transfer. I use Scrivener for longform projects, Notion for shorter term, or projects that require a lot of visual research. I use Microsoft Word for work that will be edited and published by others. I use Zotero for citations.  
I really liked your piece X for Z publication. Can you write X about Y for my publication?

No. All of my pieces are stylistically the same as they are written in my voice, but I cannot and will not replicate one piece over again. 



I heard you speak at XYZ, and forgot the title of something you referenced. Can I contact you about this?

Yes. I will gladly send you the citation. If you are a Bard MFA student with a graduation year between 2024 and 2027, everything I have suggested at Bard is listed here in my library.

I heard you speak at XYZ and would like you to perform the same talk for my group.
Is that possible?

Yes. Please contact me and we can work out what should be changed to better accurately speak to your group.

What are you reading/watching/listening to right now?

All of my media accounts are public. You are welcome to interact with me there.

I have a question about something not listed here.
Please email me!